
Monday 3 November 2014

WalMart and Lawtons Haul

I've been watching a lot of Parks and Recreation recently, and yesterday I decided to have a 'Treat Yo' Self' day. If you don't watch Parks & Rec, I would highly recommend it.
WalMart and Lawtons Haul
WalMart and Lawtons Haul

Thursday 11 September 2014

iPhone 6 and 6 Plus - Apple's September 2014 Special Event

By now, I'm sure you've heard something about Apple's September 2014 Special Event; whether it is the iPhone 6 or U2's free album, the news has been plastered all over the Internet. To be honest, I absolutely love Apple's events. My very first laptop was a Mac (a 15" PowerBook G4, to be precise), and since then, I was hooked. I dream of one day being lucky enough to attend, but for now I'll have to stick with watching online. As a tech nerd, I thought I'd share some of the new tech from Apple. I'll try and keep this short(ish) and sweet - I make no promises. I'm definitely geeking out over here!

If you're a tech nerd like me, I would really encourage you to go and watch the Keynote. Whether or not you're an Apple fan, it is always interesting to see the developments of technology. I was in a lecture for my User Interface class today with a fantastic lecturer; he mentioned the unveiling of the Apple Watch, and how some people are already complaining about the interface without even having tried it. In his words? "In my day, you got what you got and you liked it!" I think there is definitely some truth to this - we're completely spoiled by choice, and can sometimes forget about the sheer awesomeness of the advancement of the technology! 

Anyway, enough from me - onto the iPhones!

iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus
Photo sourced from PC Advisor

Saturday 16 August 2014

UPDATE - My Travels!

Hey everyone!

Another quick post today. Just letting you all know that I am currently in the USA, and will be travelling through the USA and Canada for 6 months. I won't be particularly settled until September, so my posts may be fairly sporadic!

If anyone reading this is from the USA/Canada, let me know which stores I should be visiting, or if there are any products I should keep an eye out for.

Thanks for reading! B x

Friday 15 August 2014

PREVIEW - Essence Party Look Make-Up Box

Today I'm giving you a sneak peak at an Essence product that will be released in mid September and be available until December 2014. This product is Essence's "Party Look Make-Up Box", and it looks absolutely gorgeous! 

The essence “party look make-up box” will be available in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Poland, Russia, Morocco, Malta, Thailand, Paraguay, Panama, and Chile.

Unfortunately (for me), it won't be released in Australia! I've found out that sell Essence products, and I believe they ship worldwide - I guess you never know!

Here is what Essence has to say about the box:
"The home stretch for beauty! As the year comes to an end, the countdown to the festive season begins. With the limited essence “party look make-up box”, every beauty is sure to turn into a make-up queen from mid September to December 2014. Whether you’re heading to traditional family celebrations or the hippest party in town – an extra-portion of glitter and glamour is always a must!
The practical and stylish “party look make-up box” by essence contains everything needed to make a true beauty’s heart beat faster and looks like a beautifully wrapped gift in its purple-pink-gold packaging.

Friday 8 August 2014

Follow my blog with Bloglovin!

Hi all! Very quick post today. I have (finally) sorted out Bloglovin for this blog, so please feel free to follow me - I would really appreciate it! All you have to do is click on the link below.

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Thanks for reading! B x

Thursday 7 August 2014

REVIEW - Essence All About Matt! Oil Control Make-up Base

I love Priceline. Is it possible to be in love with a store? Clearly it's an unhealthy relationship, but what are you going to do?

Enough about that, the point of this is that every quarter, Priceline rewards 'Sister Card' holders with vouchers which correlate to the amount of money spent in store during that specific quarter. I love receiving my voucher - it means I get around $4 AUD dollars to spend on something I probably wouldn't otherwise have bought. Usually, I have something all lined up that I want, however for this quarter, I couldn't think of anything that I wanted.

As I will be travelling to the USA and Canada in the near future, I am trying to restrain myself from purchasing products, as they will most definitely be cheaper over there. Regardless, I wasn't going to let my voucher go to waste! After walking around the aisles for a good while, I finally decided on a new product on the Essence stand.

Wednesday 6 August 2014

SEEN IN STORE - Sally Hansen Miracle Gel & Revlon Colorstay Shadow Links

Hi everyone!

Quick post today - this is sort of in the style of Nouveau Cheap. If you haven't checked out G's blog, go there right now. Well, feel free to stay here and have a look around, but definitely have a read at some point! It is one of my absolute favourite blogs, and is a fantastic mix of items spotted in stores, reviews, sale announcements, et cetera.