
Saturday 26 April 2014

REVIEW - Essence Metal Glam Gold Topper - 01 Steel-ing the Scene

On a whim, I walked into Priceline - my first mistake. I can't seem to go in there without being tempted to buy something. Usually, I can talk myself out of buying anything but this time, I clearly couldn't!

So here we go - Essence's 'Metal Glam' Trend Edition Gold Topper in 01 - Steeling the Scene. Here is what Essence has to say about it:
"as good as gold and totally hip! the top coat is enriched with golden flakes to complement your glamorous nail design! the particularly high concentration of flakes ensures an ultimate wow-effect."
I applied the topper over Revlon Top Speed in 570 -Vintage - a gorgeous deep rasbperry red shade. Originally, I was going to swatch it over black polish, but I thought I'd go for something a bit different. As it turns out, I love it! I will definitely try the black in the future - leave a comment below if you'd like to see the swatches.

Friday 25 April 2014

TECHNOLOGY REVIEW - Sony Customer Service & Earphone Unboxing

I am obsessed with music - I am constantly listening to something. Whether I'm on the train, studying or just relaxing, chances are I'll have earphones in (much to the annoyance of those around me). As such, I tend to go through headphones at a ridiculous rate.

Eleven months ago, I purchased a set of Sony earphones at Harvey Norman - they weren't overly expensive, but they weren't cheap either. They served me well, up until a couple of weeks ago when the left earphone died.

Thankfully, these days I tend to keep the packaging and receipts for every set of earphones I purchase. I called Sony's Customer Support, explained the situation and gave them all the necessary information. Within five minutes, they told me they were going to send out a new set of earphones! I wish I could remember the name of the man I spoke to, as he was lovely and really helpful.