
Thursday 11 September 2014

iPhone 6 and 6 Plus - Apple's September 2014 Special Event

By now, I'm sure you've heard something about Apple's September 2014 Special Event; whether it is the iPhone 6 or U2's free album, the news has been plastered all over the Internet. To be honest, I absolutely love Apple's events. My very first laptop was a Mac (a 15" PowerBook G4, to be precise), and since then, I was hooked. I dream of one day being lucky enough to attend, but for now I'll have to stick with watching online. As a tech nerd, I thought I'd share some of the new tech from Apple. I'll try and keep this short(ish) and sweet - I make no promises. I'm definitely geeking out over here!

If you're a tech nerd like me, I would really encourage you to go and watch the Keynote. Whether or not you're an Apple fan, it is always interesting to see the developments of technology. I was in a lecture for my User Interface class today with a fantastic lecturer; he mentioned the unveiling of the Apple Watch, and how some people are already complaining about the interface without even having tried it. In his words? "In my day, you got what you got and you liked it!" I think there is definitely some truth to this - we're completely spoiled by choice, and can sometimes forget about the sheer awesomeness of the advancement of the technology! 

Anyway, enough from me - onto the iPhones!

iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus
Photo sourced from PC Advisor